A single spark is all it takes to set off an over-the-top mind-blowing professional fireworks show with so many explosions that all of Fillmore will be as bright as midafternoon for the entire song “Free Bird” — played through twice.

Imagine what a tiny spark of understanding, or compassion, a spark of support, of practical joking, friendship, recovery, purpose, solidarity, or of hope could quickly become.

We are working to empower individuals, families, neighbors and our community to be that spark–a light that perhaps can be seen from within the darkness of addiction and mental illness. A light that could ignite countless others until the entire night sky is as bright as if it were daytime. A light that serves as a beacon, illuminating the way out of suffering, isolation, shame, stigma and wreckage.

Just as an over-the-top mind-blowing Lynard Skynard fireworks show must be initiated by a humble BIC, the potent firepower needed to revolutionize how we support each other in Putnam County starts with you.

The mission of Ethan’s Legacy Project is to build a community of supportive and knowledgeable folks working for a stronger Putnam County by helping and encouraging one another through emotional distress, mental illness, addiction, and loss.

We aim to connect people with resources, build better understanding amongst neighbors, support families in crisis, provide education and training, assess community needs, and challenge you all to spark a positive change. 

The destruction of mental illness, addiction, despair, shame, and isolation is far-reaching–everyone in Putnam County has been impacted in some way, whether directly or indirectly. Working together, we can become stronger and more resilient as a community, and we are collectively capable of better protecting our children, our families, our neighbors, and ourselves from heartbreak and devastation.
